12 of June: World Day against Child Labour

12 Jun 2013

The International Conferences in Amsterdam and Oslo in 1997, which revolved around child labour, noted the need for urgent attention and action for a concerted global action to end child exploitation. In this regard, the International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 as a way to highlight the plight of these children, serving as a catalyst for global movement against this problem, reflected in the large number of ratifications of the ILO Convention nº 182 on the worst forms of child labour and the Convention nº138 concerning the minimum age for employment.

Across the world, and in clear violation of their rights, hundreds of thousands of children are engaged in work that deprives them of education, health, leisure and basic freedoms. Of these children, more than half are exposed to the worst forms of child labour, such as hazardous environments, slavery or illegal activities such as drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as participation in armed conflict.

In 2013, the ILO celebrates this day with an emphasis on the plight of the 10 million children worldwide who are exploited as domestic workers. These children are particularly vulnerable, since their work is often hidden from the public eye, are isolated or work very far from home. The Day aims to promote initiatives to ensure the elimination of child domestic labour, ratification by Member States of the agreements, and to take measures to allow labour organizations to address this issue.

Diagram Foundation joins this date’s plight as part of its commitment to the education of children and the respect for their rights and freedoms, which is reflected in its daily work managing centers, programmes and projects that facilitate an effective integration of young people so that they can grow and develop personally and emotionally. One of the key pieces to fulfill this mission is the work done with children who are socially excluded. We work with these children to prevent them from becoming victims of exploitation.

For more information, please visit the UN and the ILO websites.