While studying for a teaching degree at the University of Córdoba, at the age of 18 David set up his own company which was dedicated to the provision of health and safety services to different communities.
David joined Diagrama on leaving university and spent his first five years as a Social Educator in a secure establishment for the Diagrama Foundation in Spain, also achieving his Social Educator Degree during that time. In 2006 he led an after-care programme which helped over 400 children and young people who had been through the justice system. He established links with all the relevant community agencies and organisations which support the young people to reintegrate into society.
In 2008 he moved from Spain to the UK with his family to establish the Foundation in the UK and was appointed Chief Executive in 2009.David is m ember of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) and the European Prison Education Association (EPEA). In 2019 he was awarded his Professional Doctorate in Children & Young People’s Services Leadership from the University of Bedfordshire.