Between the 2nd and 5th of July, the partners from the Project “ICE – Into Caring Europe” were welcomed by Diagrama Foundation for the third Steering Group meeting. The meeting was held at the Canterbury Christ Church University campus, which saw Group Ubuntu from Belgium, Fundación Diagrama from Spain, Action with Communities in Rural Kent and Diagrama Foundation, both from the UK, come together to discuss the progress of the project so far, as well as plans for future activities. This meeting also brought the partners closer to achieving the project’s main aim: develop a foundation course to raise the standard of domiciliary care available and to raise awareness about the needs of clients. In addition, the meeting welcomed a member of the Mental Health & Mental Capacity Act Training at Kent County Council to deliver a training session on social work in the UK, which the partners found very useful.
Diagrama took the trip’s opportunity and arranged for visits to several projects across Kent where the partners got the chance to see how organisations in the UK work with people with physical and mental disabilities. This allowed the partners to see the theory in practice, and understand better how the system of support provision works in one area of the UK.
The visit left all the participants eager to continue working together and finding new ways of providing the best support they can to all of their clients.
To find out more the project, please visit our Cooperation & International Projects section, or visit the Information Centre.