The 3rd of November launched the beginning of the European Project REVIJ, ‘Reparation to the victim in the European Juvenile Justice Systems: Comparative analysis and transfer of best practices’. Diagrama Fountadion is one of the partners of this project, led by FundaciĆ³n Diagrama (Spain), which also has the participation of European organisations like the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (Belgium), Association Diagrama (France), Istituto Don Calabria (Italy) and the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa do Porto (Portugal).
Through this project, the partners seek to favour the protection, support and reparation for victims of crimes committed by minors. To this end, an initial stage will involve analysing the guarantees granted to victims through juvenile penalty processes and the different services providing restorative justice which take into consideration the European Systems for Juvenile Justice. The second phase, following the collection of data and information, will consist of making a comparison of good practices detected at a European level in respect of reparation to the victim in the scope of juvenile offences, with the ultimate aim to recommend good practices and guidelines which can be used by professionals and those responsible for formulating public policies.
In this way, project REVIJ, which will conclude in 2016, will serve towards gaining a shared and joint vision concerning the methods of reparation to victims in the whole of Europe, analysing the compliance with the agreements made in the directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and the European Council regarding respect of rights, support and protection of the victims of crimes.
With the conclusions obtained, a summary of good practices will be made and guidelines will be proposed which can be used by professionals and those responsible for formulating public policies.