Diagrama Spain takes part in reception of social organizations by Their Royal Majesties the King and Queen of Spain

27 Jun 2014

The Chairman of Diagrama, Francisco Legaz Cervantes, was part of the representation of the Spanish associations, entities and NGOs aimed at helping the most disadvantaged people, and which work was thanked by Their Majesties. The Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, and the Secretary General of International Cooperation for Development, Gonzalo Robles, were also present at the event.

Diagrama attended, the past june 24, in the reception of social organisations hosted by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain at El Pardo Palace. There, the monarchs showed their interest in contributing to improve the situation of “the most weak and vulnerable people” not only in Spain but also in other countries of the world.

In his intervention, Mr. Felipe made a special mention to “the effort and generosity” of the “thousdands of people in our country who work in social assistance or services and in cooperation”, whose labor “deserves, with no doubt, to be more known and also more acknowledged”. The King highlighted their “example” as “men and women committed to society” and guided by values such as “generosity, altruism, sympathy and solidarity”, adding that the “efficient” task developed by social entities favours “the whole society”.

Likewise, His Majesty thanked the work of social entities in these times of economical crisis: “you are a magnificent example for everyone and a proof of vitality in the Spanish society that, when in difficulties, overcomes and prioritizes its principles to cooperate, help and apply its knowledge the right way”.

The Chairman of Diagrama, Francisco Legaz Cervantes, remarked at the end of the event “how specially significant and heartwarming it has been to the Organization and myself that the King has placed among his priorities the protection of the most vulnerable people and families”. Likewise, he thanked His Majesty for “stressing the labor accomplished by those who work with the most disadvantaged people”, underlining “the firm commitment of Diagrama to continue working for the citizens’ welfare, especially of those who need it most”.