Cabrini Residents Enjoy Day Out On The White Cliffs

25 Apr 2022

Two residents, David 19, and Sean 50, who live in one of the three houses at Cabrini House, our residential home for adults with learning disabilities in Orpington, had a great day out on Easter Saturday with a walk and a picnic on Kent’s White Cliffs. The other residents in their house had gone home to spend the Easter weekend with their families so Diagrama Development Worker Bogdan Dumitrescu decided the guys needed a special treat.

Bogdan, David, and Sean packed a picnic and set off to drive the fifty minutes from Orpington to Dover for a walk along the cliff tops, ice cream by the lighthouse and a leisurely picnic lunch. The weather was perfect and both David and Sean had a great time.

Bogdan, Development Worker, Cabrini House, said, “As David and Sean were the only two residents in my house who weren’t going home for the weekend, we wanted to make Easter very special for them. I asked the guys what they would like to do and there was a resounding vote to go to the sea and have a walk. It was a very successful day; the weather was perfect, and the boys had a very special adventure and made wonderful memories walking on the White Cliffs.”

The Cabrini residents and staff had been very busy decorating the houses and on Easter Sunday, refreshed from their day out, Sean and David went out to the local carvery for lunch and then thoroughly enjoyed their Easter eggs.

To find out more about how Cabrini House promotes the development of core skills for adults with learning disabilities so that they can lead independent lives integrated within their community visit