Change Lives in 2025 Through Adoption or Fostering

03 Mar 2025

This week, Diagrama Fostering and Adoption is asking for the LGBTQ+ community to explore both routes to build their families LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week, which launches today (3rd March) and calls for more people from the community to consider both, in the face of an urgent need for more adoptive parents and foster carers.

Led by charity New Family Social, the campaign brings together adoption and fostering agencies from across the country with LGBTQ+ potential applicants. The campaign calls on the community to think about how it could change lives in 2025.

In England, there are some 83,630 looked-after children. Last year alone 1 in 5 adoptions in the country were to same-gender couples. Juan and Miguel adopted a son in 2022 with the Diagrama adoption agency. The couple were keen to adopt and wanted to ensure that they used an agency that was LGBTQ+ inclusive and as friendly as possible. “There are no words to describe how much our whole life has changed and what our child means to us. Being parents is the most wonderful, rewarding and at the same time hardest experience we have ever faced. Sometimes it is not easy, but it is worth it every day. Love reaches a new level never before experienced. When you love someone, you do it from the heart, your whole life changes, your life as a couple goes to another level, we are no longer “you and me,” now we are “us” as a family.”


Kate Patel, Head of Fostering and Adoption for Diagrama Foundation said, “Fostering and adoption is an opportunity to change a life. We welcome applications regardless of age, faith, sexuality, ethnicity or whether you are single or a couple and it’s very easy to find out more by signing up for one of our online information sessions.” 

Book a place at one of our fostering and adoption information sessions:

Read our blog, here.

Contact us today about becoming a foster carer or adopter with Diagrama: 0800 802 1910.