CQC report highlights ‘kind and caring’ staff and ‘amazing manager’

14 Nov 2019
CQC report ‘GOOD’ service

Cabrini House has won praise from the Care Quality Commission after inspectors recently rated the home number 2 as providing a ‘GOOD’ service.

Cabrini House is Diagrama Foundation’s home for adults with learning disabilities, based in Orpington. It comprises three separate homes managed by one staff team who provide residential care and day activities for adults who have a range of special needs.

The inspection was carried out in September and examined all aspects of care in the home, from safety and effectiveness to care and management. The findings of the report highlighted “People spoke positively of the staff that supported them. One person told us, "The staff are good. They help you." A relative said, "We are jolly happy with the care and support here. The staff are warm and have a real rapport with people."

The report also recognised that Diagrama are using Montessori principles to improve people's confidence, coordination and other skills in an individualised way. (Montessori principles focus on providing an environment that enhances learning and confidence through identifying people's strengths.) People had personalised goals which were reviewed with them. The inspectors observed part of a session and saw that people were positively absorbed with activities personalised to their needs. A relative commented, "I am absolutely delighted with this programme, it is of great benefit and is person centred for each person." Staff were also positive about the impact of the programme and had training to support the sessions.

Michelle Dyne, Cabrini House manager said: “We are so delighted that the CQC has recognised the efforts of our dedicated team here by awarding house 2 with a ‘Good’ rating.

“We are extremely proud of our team and the outstanding care they provide to our residents. We will continue to developing our work further at Cabrini House so that we can ensure our residents always receive the best possible care and are able to lead fulfilling lives.”