During March, participants of the €80,000 Erasmus+ funded European E-PROFID project from the UK, Spain, Italy and Belgium met in Murcia for its final international collaboration to develop a training programme for care workers.
The E-PROFID event was hosted by Spanish partner, Fundación Diagrama, and was attended by project partners from the UK, Belgium and Italy. The event included a seminar at the University of Murcia, visits to a Fundación Diagrama service that supports people with mental health conditions and disabilities and to workshops where they met trainees learning skills to support them into employment and concluded with an all project steering group meeting.
Over the last two years the participants have previously met in Belgium, Italy and the UK and this final meeting in Spain was to agree the last stages to develop a training package for Care Workers who support people with disabilities, (especially those living in residential centres) while aiming to change public perception of disability.
Marina Rubio, Supported Living Manager from UK partner, Diagrama Foundation said: “During our extremely productive visit to Murcia we attended a seminar with social work students from the University of Murcia and shared key ideas from the training we have been developing. We visited a Fundación Diagrama centre, ‘Cristo de los Mineros’, that supports people with mental health conditions and disabilities and really enjoyed seeing the arts, pottery, horticulture and other workshops that residents take part in, and then visited the workshops of one of the centre’s training partners, Tesis Global Formación, and met trainees learning skills to support them into employment. On the last day we attended an all partner steering group meeting where we agreed the final actions to complete this important project.”
Helen Dean, Diagrama’s Head of Projects and Professional Standards said, ‘The funding from Erasmus+ for the E-PROFID project has given our staff a fantastic opportunity to learn from other organisations with a similar commitment to supporting people with disabilities to achieve their potential. The training package that the project develops will be used with our teams in the UK to give our Care Workers the best tools to work with our residents and will in the future be available to other care providers.”