Natalie Lohneis has been appointed as Diagrama's Head of Adoption & Fostering Services.
The registered social worker has over 18 years post qualification experience in work with children and families. This ranges from family support and safeguarding services to adoption and fostering. Natalie has extensive rounded experience through Local Authority work, and with charities and private organisations. The last 11 years of Natalie's career have been focused in family placement services, at a managerial / consultancy level and in improvement work.
Natalie, who took up the role this week, said: "I find honesty, creativity and dedication to be the most valuable qualities for success in leading any service. My greatest passion is securing the best outcomes for the children and young people that we work with. This means well informed, well trained, insightful staff, foster carers and adopters who receive high quality support and are able to share their learning with others."
In addition to her professional background Natalie, mother to two teenagers, has personal experience of welcoming in a sibling from foster care who was adopted by her family when she was a young adult.
David McGuire, Diagrama's Chief Executive, welcomed Natalie to the role and said: "I am delighted to have Natalie heading up the service. Natalie's wide experience and passion for supporting children and families will no doubt prove a real asset as we continue to build on the excellent service our team provides."