This event announced the publication of a Green Paper aimed at providing better education and training for young offenders in custody
On the 14th of February, Diagrama Foundation participated in the roundtable discussion ‘Improving Education in Youth Custody’, which launched the Government’s plans for placing high quality education at the centre of youth custody through the Green Paper ‘Transforming Youth Custody: Putting education at the heart of detention’.
The paper invites views and outline proposals from a wide range of stakeholders and providers describing how they would implement the Government’s vision for Secure Colleges. The Government is looking to provide better education for young people in custody so as to improve their outcomes and reduce the reoffending rates, which currently stand at 73% (Source: Ministry of Justice).
Professionals from the education sector, custodial services and organisations with an interest in young people are among those being consulted on a complete transformation of youth custody. Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said “We cannot go on just doing more of the same, pouring more money into a system doesn't work in the hope of a different outcome. That doesn’t make any sense to the taxpayer, or to the young people who we should be trying to get back on the straight and narrow.”
Diagrama Foundation welcomes the Government’s initiative to improve education in custody and sees this as an opportunity to continue working hard to integrate young people into society.