Members of the Ministry of Justice from Turkey visit Diagrama centres to learn about good practices

04 Mar 2013

During their visit, they had the opportunity to discuss Diagrama’s methodology and the way it works with young people

Last week, members of the Ministry of Justice from Turkey visited several of Diagrama’s centres with the aim of learning more about its methodology, youth justice policies and integration programmes for young people who have offended. During the visit, they were shown how the centres function: the educational project and integration programmes, the activities that are carried out within the centre, workshops and training available, as well as the different aspects relevant to the day-to-day life of young people and staff.

This visit also allowed for Diagrama to learn about the youth justice system in Turkey and the young people there, and sparked a constructive dialogue between the visitors and our members of staff. Both organisations had the chance to ask questions and discuss experiences and ideas.

The visiting members from Turkey were thrilled to be able to visit Diagrama, which is always happy to share its knowledge and experience whilst learning from others, and this trip was the perfect opportunity to do so.