Repesentatives from Diagrama Foundation have attended the third transnational meeting of the Get There Project in Valladolid, Spain on November 8, 2016. The project aims to identify the needs of young people looking for a job, by addressing the issue of youth unemployment and developing better employability skills for young people in each partner country and the wider European Union.
Partners involved aim to establish the most necessary employability skills, report back on employability needs, train participants to deliver employability workshops for unemployed young people, and provide printed and online resources in multiple languages to deliver the programme.
In the meeting partners discussed in the IO3 Draft “Matrix Contents” and on the Road Map Multiplier Event which is planned to be held by each partner country between March-April 2017. The multiplier events will help partners to gather feedback from the contents developed by each partner.
The contents and the agenda of the final conference which will be held by Diagrama Foundation in London on 9th of June 2017 were discussed by all partners in the meeting.
Other project partners include ADSAN (UK), INFODEF (Spain), ISQ (Portugal), IEKEP (Greece), CARDET (Cyprus).