Diagrama Foundation travels to Stockholm for EASE’s first Training Module and its 2nd Operative Team Meeting

07 Apr 2014

The core partners of the EASE project got together to partake in training activities that will assist the transfer process as well as to discuss the next steps.

Between the 31st of March and the 4th of April, Basta, the lead organisation, hosted Elia and Diagrama, the core partners, in Nykvarn for an intense 4-days training. The purpose of this training module was to allow the partners to have a deeper understanding of how Basta began, as well as what it takes to make a social enterprise grow and prosper. In order to do so, the hosts prepared a busy schedule that included interactive lectures about Basta and how it was started, tours of the various premises and services, empowerment and rehabilitation seminars, as well as presentations from various members of the organisation.

On the last day of the visit, the partners were hosted at the premises of the Swedish National Agency where they had the chance to meet one of the officers who works in the programme. After a warm welcome and presentation, the 3 organisations began their 2nd Operative Team meeting where they shared updates on what has been done so far in their respective countries as well as what the next steps are. So far, they are happy to report that the outcomes stated at the start of the project are being met, and the project is moving forward at a steady pace. The meeting also allowed them toconfirm arrangements for their 2nd Consortium Meeting, to be taking place in June at San Patrignano, in Italy.

The participants were left with much to think about and have a lot of hard work ahead of them, but with the support of Basta and the other participating organisations in the project they are confident that they will succeed in their goals and will be able to setup a UK social enterprise that addresses one of the country’s main problematic: provision of sustainable rehabilitation programmes that are accessible to anyone in need.