National News

15 Feb 2021
With the number of children needing safe and secure foster homes increasing during the pandemic, Diagrama foster carers, Nic and Chris Kimmance, from Ashford in Kent, are hoping that their story will encourage more people across London and the South East to consider fostering. Read more...
03 Feb 2021
Cabrini residents receiving their first Coronavirus vaccination.
The team at Cabrini House, our residential home for 23 adults with learning disabilities in Orpington, are delighted that all their residents have received their first coronavirus injection. Read more...
18 Jan 2021
Cabrini House CEO David and residents enjoying the tuck shop.
Cabrini House in Orpington, our home to twenty-three adults with learning disabilities and a range of complex sensory needs is fundraising to create a magical and engaging sensory experience for their residents. Read more...
18 Jan 2021
Edensor Care Centre Residents First In Region to Receive Coronavirus Vaccine
This week Edensor Care Centre, Diagrama’s home for elderly nursing and dementia care in Clacton-on-Sea, have received their first doses of the Coronavirus Vaccine. The Edensor team were celebrating that all their residents have now received their first dose of the Coronavirus vaccine and the injections are now being rolled out to all the staff. Read more...
30 Dec 2020
Foster carer Beth Earnshaw shares her story
A 25-year-old teaching assistant has helped launch Diagrama’s new campaign to raise awareness of the need for more foster carers in the south east.    Beth Earnshaw, from Swanley in Kent shares her story in a new video of how she has wanted to become a foster carer since she was a teenager. Her dream came true when she was approved as a Diagrama foster carer in 2020. The short films highlights her journey so far.   Read more...
03 Dec 2020
Muhammed Neeliyath, Residential Manager at Edensor Care Centre, Diagrama’s home for elderly nursing and dementia care in Clacton-on-Sea, talks about the pleasure the team experience when they see residents developing friendships and supporting each other. Read more...
19 Nov 2020
We are extremely proud to announce that Edensor has been awarded ‘Working Towards Dementia Friendly Status’ by Tendring Dementia Action Alliance. In addition to this we are the first home in Tendring to receive this status which is such a great achievement. Read more...
16 Nov 2020
Richard and Sue
Reports of children across Kent lacking a foster home prompted Richard and his wife Sharon to seriously consider fostering around three years ago. At the time they decided their two children were not quite ready for such a drastic change to the family home. Now with their son at university and their daughter at secondary school, the couple felt ready to take the step and welcomed in a young boy just starting primary school into their home. Read more...
04 Nov 2020
Fostering information evenings
Diagrama is launching a new drive to find foster carers in response to a recent surge in the number of children in care needing a safe and secure home. The not-for-profit agency, rated Good by Ofsted, will hold its first monthly online information event later this month, on November 17, for people to find out more about becoming a foster carer. Read more...
14 Oct 2020
Diagrama adoption #YouCanAdopt
National Adoption Week takes place on the 12-18 October and urges potential black adopters to come forward. It is widely known in black communities that informal adoption is part and parcel of the fabric of our communities; we raise and nurture children that are not our biological children as if they were. Read more...
